147 SW Shevlin Hixon Dr, Suite 204
Bend, OR 97702



Category: Regenerative Agriculture

Zach Bush on COVID-19, glyphosate, and the nature of viruses – Episode 39

Strongly encourage you to watch the entire interview! Zach Bush on COVID-19, glyphosate, and the nature of viruses – Episode 39 with Jeffrey Smith on Live Healthy Be Well My short synopsis that does not do any justice to this interview: The virus is not the enemy, they are necessary for our adaptation, our evolution. […]

Farmer’s Footprint

In 1960 the chronic disease rate in children was 4%, today it is 46%. If trends continue, by 2030 1 in 3 children with be autistic. Many things need to change and the health of our soil and the exposure to chemicals such as glyphosate needs to be at the forefront. As our external ecology goes, […]